Le Val d’Anzin


Best french farming for 2002

Since my youngest age, I was raised among German Shepherds. I was helping my parents without complaining about the thankless tasks of farming.

At eight years old, in an important international exhibition of German Shepherds in Belgium, I won my first trophy as youngest conductor. Therefore passion for the German Shepherds was such that nothing more mattered. With my parent’s farming, I started my career and results didn’t stop improving.

At my legal age, I decided to ask a cattery. There is a district of a small town near Arras in the Pas de Calais named Val d’Anzin. It sounded nice to me. Here are a few words on how Val d’Anzin was born.

Breeder of the 2 first french dogs world champion


Siegerine – 2005


Siegerine – 2001

One of the Val d’Anzin dog founder : Aurasi

Our Farming

Located in the north west of the Ile de France, in the middle heart of the Vexin french regional park, our farming extends on a wooded park of 9 acres.

The house

Dressage park

The farming

Recreation parks

Our rewards


Championship 2019

Navy, Nikita, Nirvana, Nickel, Nobel

The 5 Sisters classified in the first 30 in the German championship


Championship 2018


Mam’Zelle, Juietta, Nera, Lars, Looke

3rd Nuremberg breeding batch